Mixed Tulip Bouquet
What The Fleur Signature Tulip Bouquet!
Lovingly made using a selection of pretty seasonal tulips, the quintessential spring flower!
- COLOURS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND WILL BE FLORIST’S CHOICE. If you need a specific colour(s) for pre-order please telephone the shop on 01223 312782.
-Available for delivery or collection.
-Add a personalised gift message for your recipient.
-Please select if you would like this in an ‘aqua’ pack - our gift box with a water bubble - perfect if you think the recipient may not be home or the bouquet will be out of water for some time. If not this will be wrapped as a hand-tied bouquet with complementing coloured paper and open stems.
Delivery times: Please consider that we cannot guarantee specific delivery times! You can expect a delivery between 8.30am and 6pm. For delivery locations and prices please see our ‘Delivery’ details.
What The Fleur Signature Tulip Bouquet!
Lovingly made using a selection of pretty seasonal tulips, the quintessential spring flower!
- COLOURS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND WILL BE FLORIST’S CHOICE. If you need a specific colour(s) for pre-order please telephone the shop on 01223 312782.
-Available for delivery or collection.
-Add a personalised gift message for your recipient.
-Please select if you would like this in an ‘aqua’ pack - our gift box with a water bubble - perfect if you think the recipient may not be home or the bouquet will be out of water for some time. If not this will be wrapped as a hand-tied bouquet with complementing coloured paper and open stems.
Delivery times: Please consider that we cannot guarantee specific delivery times! You can expect a delivery between 8.30am and 6pm. For delivery locations and prices please see our ‘Delivery’ details.
What The Fleur Signature Tulip Bouquet!
Lovingly made using a selection of pretty seasonal tulips, the quintessential spring flower!
- COLOURS SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY AND WILL BE FLORIST’S CHOICE. If you need a specific colour(s) for pre-order please telephone the shop on 01223 312782.
-Available for delivery or collection.
-Add a personalised gift message for your recipient.
-Please select if you would like this in an ‘aqua’ pack - our gift box with a water bubble - perfect if you think the recipient may not be home or the bouquet will be out of water for some time. If not this will be wrapped as a hand-tied bouquet with complementing coloured paper and open stems.
Delivery times: Please consider that we cannot guarantee specific delivery times! You can expect a delivery between 8.30am and 6pm. For delivery locations and prices please see our ‘Delivery’ details.