12 Rose Bouquet

from £80.00

What The Fleur signature 12 rose bouquet!

A luxury bouquet presented with seasonal foliage and gypsophila - the classic rose bouquet and the ultimate sign of romance - go big or go home!

-Choose from red, pink, white, yellow, orange, peach or lilac roses.

-Available for delivery or collection.

-Add a personalised gift message for your recipient.

Delivery times: Please consider that we cannot guarantee specific delivery times! You can expect a delivery between 8.30am and 6pm. For delivery locations and prices please see our ‘Delivery’ details.

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What The Fleur signature 12 rose bouquet!

A luxury bouquet presented with seasonal foliage and gypsophila - the classic rose bouquet and the ultimate sign of romance - go big or go home!

-Choose from red, pink, white, yellow, orange, peach or lilac roses.

-Available for delivery or collection.

-Add a personalised gift message for your recipient.

Delivery times: Please consider that we cannot guarantee specific delivery times! You can expect a delivery between 8.30am and 6pm. For delivery locations and prices please see our ‘Delivery’ details.

What The Fleur signature 12 rose bouquet!

A luxury bouquet presented with seasonal foliage and gypsophila - the classic rose bouquet and the ultimate sign of romance - go big or go home!

-Choose from red, pink, white, yellow, orange, peach or lilac roses.

-Available for delivery or collection.

-Add a personalised gift message for your recipient.

Delivery times: Please consider that we cannot guarantee specific delivery times! You can expect a delivery between 8.30am and 6pm. For delivery locations and prices please see our ‘Delivery’ details.